Introduction Last updated: 2024-08-19

This site offers a service to automatically validate your DBNAlliance documents according to the latest DBNAlliance rules.The validation service requires UBL version 2.3 files and cannot handle XHE format..


This service is currently provided free of charge by PeppolSoft. If you want to setup your own service for production enviroment send a email to ventas PeppolSoft.


The PeppolSoft API uses API keys to authenticate. This endpoint allows users to authenticate and login to the PeppolSoftValidationDocumentAuth system to obtain an access token.

Auth Login:

The endpoint for this resource is

Request Body:

Parameter Type # Description
user string required The username of the user.
password string required The password of the user.

Request body Example:

	"user": "username",
	"password": "password"


The response will be in JSON format with the following schema:

	"accessToken": "token"


This API endpoint allows you to validate an invoice document.

PeppolSoft Validation:

The endpoint for this resource is

Request Body:

The request body should be in the raw format and should contain an invoice in UBL 2.3 format with various details such as UBLVersionID, CustomizationID, ProfileID, ID, IssueDate, DueDate, DocumentCurrencyCode, BuyerReference, AccountingSupplierParty, AccountingCustomerParty, TaxTotal, LegalMonetaryTotal, and InvoiceLine.

Authorization: Bearer token

The client must send this token in the Authorization header.

Token <token>
Body: raw (xml)
<Incoice xmlns:ns4="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2"


The API returns a JSON response with the following fields:

codigo (string): The code related to the validation status.

message (string): A message related to the validation status.

errorList (null): list of errors, if any, encountered during validation.

	"codigo": "100",
	"message": "INV-REC-02 is a valid Peppol document",
	"errorList": null